COLUMBUS, Ohio, June 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Ohio US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate has just endorsed and they recommend the remarkable legal team at the law firm of Danziger & De Llano to make certain a Navy Veteran with recently diagnosed mesothelioma in Ohio or anywhere in the USA receives the very best possible compensation results. Frequently mesothelioma compensation for a Navy Veteran might exceed a million dollars as the legal team at Danziger & De Llano is always happy to discuss at 800-864-4000. Mesothelioma compensation is based on how, where and when a person with this rare cancer was exposed to asbestos.
The Advocate says, "Our top priority is seeing to it that a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma in Ohio or anywhere in the nation receives the best possible compensation results. If we had one very important suggestion it would be for the Navy Veteran with recently diagnosed mesothelioma to recall as much as possible about how where and when they were exposed to asbestos on a navy ship, submarine or at a navy shipyard where their ship or submarine was undergoing repairs.
"The remarkable legal team at Danziger & De Llano might be incredibly helpful in this process because they have been assisting Navy Veterans with mesothelioma for decades and they consistently get the top compensation results for people like this from coast to coast. Before a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma in Ohio or nationwide hires a law firm to assist with compensation please call the team at Danziger & De Llano at 800-864-4000."
The Ohio US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate’s number one priority is seeing to it that a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma receives the best possible compensation anywhere in Ohio including Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron, Dayton, Youngstown, or Bellaire.
For the best possible mesothelioma treatment options in Ohio the Ohio US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate strongly recommends the following three heath care facilities.
- Case Western Reserve University Cancer Research Center Cleveland, Ohio:
- Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center Columbus, Ohio:
- The Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute Cleveland, Ohio:
High risk work groups for exposure to asbestos in Ohio include US Navy Veterans, auto plant workers, mill workers, power plant workers, manufacturing workers, plumbers, welders, electricians, auto mechanics, machinists, coal miners, or construction workers. Typically, these types of workers had significant exposure to asbestos during the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, or 1980’s.
The states with the highest incidence of mesothelioma include Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Louisiana, Washington, and Oregon.
For more information about mesothelioma please refer to the National Institutes of Health’s web site related to this rare form of cancer:
Media contact:
Michael Thomas
SOURCE Ohio US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate